#80: Crossing the Uncanny Valley
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “Forge ahead.”
~ Clint Eastwood
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “Forge ahead.”
~ Clint Eastwood
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “You can’t sit on two chairs at the same time.” ~ Czech proverb
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “These words like daggers enter in my ears.” ~ William Shakespeare
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “I’m not a cat.” ~ Cat speaking during virtual court for the 394th district of Texas
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “What elephant??” ~ Jimmy Durante in Jumbo
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “Bullets belong in The Godfather. Avoid them at all costs.” ~ Chris Anderson
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “You’re not the star of the show. The audience is.” ~ Nancy Duarte, HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “All the most important ideas in history go back to archetypes.” ~ Carl Jung
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” ~ Bill Gates
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “Morality binds and blinds.” ~ Jon Haidt, The Righteous Mind
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “The single biggest problem in communication
is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~ George Bernard Shaw
One Idea. One Challenge. Once a Week. “Build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ~ Buckminster Fuller
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